We want a dynamic chat dialogue to load only when visitors visit a certain page on our website. e.g. /thank-you - this works fine by specifying this page as the only target URL in the list of target URLs in the dialogue settings.
However, once visitors navigate away from that page, the chat dialogue icon remains for the rest of their session, even if they minimise it and move to pages which are not in our list of target URLs.
This creates potential conflict with a chatbot we have on other pages of our site for a different purpose. Is there anyway to make the dialogue disappear completely once they navigate away from the target page?
Ideally, the chatbot should only appear on the pages you have listed in the Dialogue's Audience Criteria. Do any OR conditions specify the wildcard URL in your Audience Criteria?
Hi, This seems to be the default behaviour for a particular dialogue to follow the user across the website assuming the Dynamic Chat JS snippet is added on every page.
The Dialogue will only trigger on the mentioned Target URLs but there is no such option to stop them for continuing to appear on the following pages as of now.
Can you link to your page please (the one that’s set to trigger the chat)? Then I’ll show you how to disable it on other pages but need if your site is an SPA or MPA first.
Thanks Sanford I believe it is MPA (Contentful) - I have noticed that if you reload after navigating away from the target page, the bot disappears.
The chat bot is only live in our dev environment which requires credentials so I can't share a link here yet. I will do so when we push it live. Would appreciate any further advice you can offer thanks.
OK. If you want to PM it to me I can look now, no guarantee I’ll be available at the moment you go live.