Virtual Bizible User Group (Marketo Measure) - Recordings and Presentations

Level 4 - Champion Level 4 - Champion
Level 4 - Champion


April 2021 - VBUG - Bizible Post-Implementation Tips

So, you and your team have gone through Bizible implementation -- you’ve set up all of your channels, connected your ad platforms, all of the configuration work is done essentially, and now you’re thinking, what next? Let’s talk about it! In this session we’ll discuss recommended next steps post-implementation. Making the jump from configuration to actually consuming the data can be challenging -- understandably as it’s usually a reporting mindset shift, so this session aims to help smooth out the transition.

January 2020 VBUG Bizible Reporting 101
Learn tips, tricks - AND mistakes to avoid for perfect Bizible Reports!

October 2019 VBUG
The ABCs of Marketing Attribution! - Attribution, what is it, and what the different models are - Reporting, what to do with the data? 

1 Comment
Level 3

Thank you, @Kimberly_Galit1 for putting all the links together for Recordings and Presentations. Its really helpful.


