Looking for topics for upcoming KreweChats

Level 10 - Champion Alumni
Level 10 - Champion Alumni

To the Community at large,

The members behind KreweChats are curious to know what you want to hear us talk about next!

What topics are you stumped on?

Where could you use help?

What do you yearn to know about Marketo and how others use it?

We are extremely open to topics as submitted by the community and welcome any and all feedback!

Level 7

Christina Zuniga​, totally agree that RCE could be an entire series in itself. My vote for one of the first topic - and I understand this is definitely not a beginner topic - is when to use, and how to implement, multiple models. For example, we're working through the differences between an initial sale and an upsell model.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

You're going to run into some limitations around the multiple models trick.. unless you have different partitions (not 100% sure). I would say the cleaner/easier thing is to recycle closed-won leads into a parallel stage in the MQL phase and nurture differently.

In any case, this conversation has led to a couple of us submitting a session for Summit to really dive into this. RCMs in particular are something that I see in most instances as either non-existent or vastly over-baked. There's definitely a huge opportunity for best practice dialog here, and our most recent chat started to hone in on the lead life cycle, but we ran out of time when we got to RCM. That'll be on Episode 8 here in another week and a half!

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Great idea!  Best practices, insights, and tips are what we all need.  We'll put together something and see how best to get it out to the Community!

Level 7

Thanks for the insight Joe! I'll be looking for the next episode.