#KreweChat Episode 16: Marketo Summit

Level 10
Level 10

With Summit at the forefront of everyones minds right now we thought it would be a perfect opportunity to talk about some of our experiences, and how you can get the most of the one of the single best learning resources for Marketers.  We looked at our top tips, best practice for planning, selling Summit to you bosses (make sure you don't mention the shenanigans!) and if you're still sitting on the fence why it's so valuable for you.

Thank you to Joe Reitz​, Geoffrey Krajeski-MMProduction​, Dory Viscogliosi​ and our amazing as ever guest speaker Jessica Kao​.

We hope you enjoy the chat and we can't wait to meet you at Summit to join in with our #krewe shenanigans!

#KreweChats Episode 16: Marketo Summit! - YouTube