Krewe Chats Episodes 7 & 8: Lead Lifecycle and Revenue Cycle Modeler

Hey Marketo! We're at it again with another two episodes of Krewe Chats! Two weeks ago, and also today we covered Lead Lifecycle and the Revenue Cycle Modeler. It was way too much to fit into just one episode, so we had to cut our first chat short and follow up on the next episode.

In these episodes, we cover a ton of useful lifecycle stuff! MQL, SQL, OMG!! (I just like saying that, but hey... who doesn't?!) Juli James​, Sydney Mulligan​, Jenn DiMaria​, Rachel Egan​, Geoffrey Krajeski - Production​, Joe Reitz​ and I get down into the nitty gritty of first steps to setting up the lifecycle modeler, who should be involved in the conversations, and then how you can actually get the ball moving, and what to do with the data once you're done.

Check out Episode 7 here: #KreweChats Episode 7: Lead Lifecyle & Revenue Modeler - YouTube

And Episode 8 here: #KreweChats Episode 8: The Revenue Cycle Modeler - YouTube

In these episodes we cover:

  • Our favorite random facts, and favorite beverages
  • Common stages that you might see in a lifecycle model
  • Who else should be involved in the conversations about setting up a lead lifecycle? (Hint: Not just marketing!!)
  • What are some of the key questions that you should be asking in these initial discovery conversations?
  • How do lifecycle stages translate and tie into Marketo's Revenue Cycle Modeler?
  • Now what in the world do we do with all of this data?!

Also, here's the lifecycle that we shared during the chat. This is basic, but can always be tweaked to your specific needs!

We look forward to our next chat, be sure to join us on November 4th, at 3:30pm ET for the next #KreweChats

Check out Episode 7 here: #KreweChats Episode 7: Lead Lifecyle & Revenue Modeler - YouTube

And Episode 8 here: #KreweChats Episode 8: The Revenue Cycle Modeler - YouTube

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Wish my work schedule (working now too ) would have allowed for me to join the #KreweChats yesterday, but it was a good one!!

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

I know that feel...

Wish you could've been on too, bud. We'll catch you on the next one!

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Great chat!

Geoff Krajeski you mentioned doing a date/time stamp for tracking, can you elaborate? Sounds like a great idea but I'm not sure how to set it up.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Without re-watching the entire Chat, I think what Geoff was referring to was adding an interesting moment or some other kind of data value change that says something to the effect of "On {{system.datetime}}, this lead achieved a new lead status of Marketing Qualified" or some such.

The reason we were talking about doing the transitions in separate smart campaigns versus on the RCM itself is because within the RCM, you can only create the transition rules... not data value changes as well.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Amy Connor

What I was referring to more specifically was that you want to use {{}} when you are changing revenue cycle stages.

This helps later so that you can measure the velocity (speed through the funnel) by which someone progressed.

We also use this method for specific content offers that we put out so that we can see the sequence, as well as consumption rates, velocity, etc.

So, for example, a field we use to datestamp our "opportunity won" stage of "Lead Qual Date Stamp - Closed Won", which has a flow associated to datestamp this field when the revenue stage updates.


Not applicable

Thanks! This is really helpful. I didn't even realize that there were time-stamp tokens, those could be quite useful.

Haven't watched the second video yet, but looking forward to watching it and learning more. You guys are great!

Level 10 - Champion Alumni
Not applicable

Joe Reitz​ I am disappointed that your fave drink is not Abita Amber or Strawberry!

Not applicable

Episode 8 was also super interesting!

Joe Reitz Dory Viscogliosi Sydney Mulligan We have the Revenue Cycle Modeler in our Analytics, but we don't have the Revenue Cycle Analytics add-on. How can I parse out what's available with our current instance vs what we'd have to pay for with RCA? The documentation is not clear. (Also, do you know how much we'd have to shell out for RCA, ballpark?)

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Hey Amy! I can't speak on how much the RCE add on costs, but as Joe Reitz​ likes to say...if you don't send your rep home crying after your contract negotiation, you didn't negotiate hard enough

What you have in the Analytics tab will give you everything you need to run basic reports with *some* opp info, but to get the full FT/MT functionality I think you need RCE. You should have everything you need to build an RCM with what you have though!