Anyone successfully accessed Activity Log data for behavior scoring analysis?

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Anyone successfully accessed Activity Log data for behavior scoring analysis?


We're trying to move to a more statistics-based approch to analyzing and refining our behavioral scoring but I'm finding the lack of analysis tools in Marketo and the barriers to accessing/exporting the Activity Log data frustrating. Going to each Lead and exporting the Log data is just not a viable option when you are working with thousands of records. After using Marketo for 5 years, I still find the analysis side of the product very weak and hope to see some movement on this in the future. Ideally, I'd love to see RCA get access to the Activity Log data (instead of just Programs/Campaigns) and be able to give answers to questions like "of the people who purchased product X in January, what were the top 10 visited web pages?" and "which email opens were most popular with customers who upgraded to product Y?"

I've found some Community articles where people have been using custom systems with API calls to get hold of the Activity Logs and that might be a longer term solution we will adopt but I was wondering of anyone had success with third party tools such as Birst or Domo to access log data through their APIs and give viable statistical reporting? What did you use? How happy are you with the results? How much does it cost?

Many thanks!

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Anyone successfully accessed Activity Log data for behavior scoring analysis?

You can certainly use the API to pull the logs.

But what you want to do can be done with a predictive tool or using an analytics third party tool. Instead of trying to do your own analysis, let a machine do it for you.

Not applicable

Re: Anyone successfully accessed Activity Log data for behavior scoring analysis?

Hi Neil,

We use Power BI to do basic email engagement analysis and webpage performance analysis. But for advanced reports, we can't find a appropriate analytics tool...

So we pull all data from Marketo to our data warehouse and do analytics with Tableau. We have run this practice for a long time and generated several indispensable marketing reports by combining programs, leads, opportunities and lead activities.

Here are links to the articles that you can know how to achieve it:

What analytics you can do with Program Member data?

Some useful analysis you can do with lead activities!

With this successful practice, we have developed our own data retrieving tool called Data Loader for Marketo (DLM)​ which allows you to sync Marketo data to the database without any coding. You can easily get Marketo data with DLM and leverage BI tools to do analytics. If you have any questions about Marketo data or Marketo reports, feel free to contact me directly​. Thanks!


Level 5

Re: Anyone successfully accessed Activity Log data for behavior scoring analysis?

Hi Vivian,

I sent you an email. I'm looking for an "out of the box" solution for lead activity analysis that won't require engineers to set up.
