Anyone else not receiving sample/test emails?
I've tried sending a number of them to at least three email addresses I have (inside and outside the company) and haven't received anything. Before submitting a ticket, I wanted to see if I was the only one.
I just noticed the same thing today. None of my test emails were sent.
Also tried to send a sample email using a campaign, it didn't go through either.
Didn't have this problem earlier in the week.
My email flow just came through. Took about 20 mins, but it worked when sent from a campaign.
I actually sent a bunch of sample emails to myself yesterday without issue. However this morning, I received a couple duplicate sample emails from yesterday. As if they were send again after midnight PST.
Just tested now and I did not receive a sample email either.
They have provided this statement on their support page:
We just tried the Flow Action send, and it is not working either. The emails have been 'sent' but nothing delivered.
They should notify customers via email when system-impairing issues occur.
Jenn DiMaria, Andrew Sielen,Devraj Grewal, Ayan Talukdar:
I spoke with support at 3:57PM EDT today, it is still down and a P1 case for them. They also confirmed that even sending the email through a Smart Campaign to yourself (like a sample, but not right clicking and hitting send sample) is also experiencing the same issue and we tested this in my instance.
This is interesting. We had an entire campaign not send yesterday and give us this error (for each lead) which I have never seen before. Still troubleshooting.
3002 An unknown error has occurred and this email was not sent.
This was due to the issue with emails not sending.
So does this mean that if you have a smart campaign set up in a default program that it will not run?
Hi Diane Schmid,
I just received another update from Marketo Support.
There is a backlog in the batch queue, so any batch emails are delayed. Support does not have a patch resolution yet, but the queue is reducing. I have tested this myself and am seeing about a 20-30 minute delay for a one-off email to myself.
Additionally, the Send Sample functionality is still an "all hands" issue and a resolution time frame has not been identified yet.
Hopefully this helps you guys.
Carley Donovan