Using 'Clicks Link in Email' Trigger.

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Using 'Clicks Link in Email' Trigger.

Hi All,

We here have a scenario wherein after a new visitor registers on our website, we send him two emails.

Email 1 has the emailID account verification link. The user's account after clicking on this link gets verified and then the user receives another email (Email 2) , congratulating him/her on being added as a member onto our website.

I have set two smart campaigns for achieving this.

Verification Campaign (Campaign 1) :

Smart List Rule - Lead is Created At Trigger ( set to on or after a particular date )

Flow Rule - Send 'Account Verify' email (Email1) with the link to be clicked. The link is inserted into the email body as a token from the lead record database as its different for every new user.

Congratulating Campaign  (Campaign 2) :

Smart List Rule - Clicks link in email Trigger ( Email is 'Account Verify' email )

Flow Rule - Send 'Congratulations' email (Email2).

I have activated both the campaigns.

Every new test user receives the email from the first campaign whose results (in Verification Campaign) reflect , i.e., email sent, delivered and opened. However, there are no results being reflected in the Congratulating Campaign, as in the trigger 'Clicks Link in Email' doesnt seem to be captured as an activity by Marketo and hence the Email 2 is not being received.

How do you guys suggest I should go about achieving this ? Where am I doing wrong, that I am not able to see the desired results ?

Kindly suggest.

Thanks a lot !

Prabash Rath.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Using 'Clicks Link in Email' Trigger.

The link is inserted into the email body as a token from the lead record database as its different for every new user.

Unless there is something truly customized about the underlying URL, there's no reason to use a token just to log a lead's click.  Marketo will customize the click tracking URL for each recipient by default.

What's probably happening is you're embedding the entire URL as a token. That in itself breaks tracking.  Make sure the token doesn't include the 'http://' or 'https://' part.  But even better, figure out if you can do without the token completely.  What is it actually used for?

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Re: Using 'Clicks Link in Email' Trigger.


Basically we have a unique URL for every new user to click onto it from inside their email accounts. Its an email account verification step wherein we send them an email asking them to click on "Click Here to Verify yourself" once they register on our website with their email IDs.

This URL is unique for each new user , which I am bringing into the marketo lead record database by exposing REST APIs. The URL is provided by our company database into Marketo's lead database. Hence, I am using this entire URL as a token in the email bodies which have the " http:// " part with it as well.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Using 'Clicks Link in Email' Trigger.

Hence, I am using this entire URL as a token in the email bodies which have the " http:// " part with it as well.

As I said, you can't do this and expect Marketo to attribute the click to the lead.  You have to exclude the 'http://'.

By "exposing REST APIs" do you mean calling out to your external REST APi via a webhook? If so, are you making sure to wait for the data value to change?

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Re: Using 'Clicks Link in Email' Trigger.


No , I am not using a webhook. Instead,  am using Marketo's REST API to Create/Update lead, sending data as a JSON response and mapping to custom fields created.

The campaign's smart list rule is based on Every new lead that gets created after the above mentioned.

SO, I guess ; we will have to trim the http:// part from the data that we are sending to Marketo and then use the token as something like http:??{{lead.AccountVerificationLink:default=edit me}} ?


Not applicable

Re: Using 'Clicks Link in Email' Trigger.

Sorry for the typo.

* Use something like http://{{lead.AccountVerificationLink:default=edit me}} ?

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Using 'Clicks Link in Email' Trigger.

No , I am not using a webhook. Instead,  am using Marketo's REST API to Create/Update lead, sending data as a JSON response and mapping to custom fields created.

Are you accounting for the 10,000 daily API call limit?  If not, aren't you inviting a DoS against whatever you're using as a registration form?

SO, I guess ; we will have to trim the http:// part from the data that we are sending to Marketo and then use the token as something like http:??{{lead.AccountVerificationLink:default=edit me}} ? 

Yes, but I'm not hearing the justification.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Using 'Clicks Link in Email' Trigger.

Also, what you're doing doesn't sound qualitatively different from simply sending any link which Marketo will customize per-lead (and which another lead cannot read or impersonate).  What security do you think you're gaining by generating a unique URL (with no other purpose) that ends up being wrapped inside another unique URL for click tracking?  Especially if you aren't using SSL, I'm a little skeptical of the value-add.

Level 10

Re: Using 'Clicks Link in Email' Trigger.

Also, to trigger the first campaign I would rather use the Make a Marketo Form Submission in the background technique, rather than inserting leads in Marketo through API.
