Ah - thanks for the tip! Here is code I am using (stolen from you😁) to list specific domains to not allow on forms. Do i add code to this to include the long list...
Hi Sandford,
OH - I misunderstood then!
I just copied and pasted what you put in this topic string in response to someone else about this code block;
"To combine the original log...
hi again
(NoteClicked Emailbeing treated differentlymaybe problematic depending on your legal situation, because you don't want to promise them "no tracking" and then seem to b...
oh another question:
if we have a button with this Marketo landing page link behind it "https://info.example.com/{landingPage}.html?marketo_opt_out=true"
will it also keep them fro...
Hi Sanford,@SanfordWhiteman
thanks, i thought that might be the case. so to opt back in we can provide a button that has url paramter of?marketo_opt_out=false
Also, as th...
Where does the mkto_opt_out cookie info show on person's record?
Would like ability to do 2 things:
1. run a smart list or report showing all people who have opted out of munchkin ...