I appreciate your note. We are definitely unique in some cases. We are almost doing everything you suggested:Personalization: Our emails / subject lines for these transactional ema...
We were checking both the App, browser and multiple devices. I've tried to provide some of those examples below.We do not see the unsubscribe in the Gmail App on iPhone.When I'm in...
Wehavesomelegallyrequiredoperationalemail that are sent out to consumers. It's the first time some of these consumers have heard from us. We noticed in our monitoring that occasion...
In order to ensure that our subdomains are set up correctly for upcoming changes Gmail is making for inboxing, we have been reviewing all our emails / set up. We noticed in a few c...
Our company has set up all our marketing emails as Non-Operational in order to ensure that we are complying with the new Google inbox requirements. Since Marketoadds the List-Unsub...