Hi@ryshgs,Thanks for sharing the practice quiz. I have received 41 in this quiz and got 36 in practice exam. Also, gone through communication of other mentors and feeling confident...
Hi@ryshgs,Thanks for sharing the questions.1. Add the new content to the current stream and adjust the cadence as necessary.2. Use a Smart Campaign with a "Transition Rule" to auto...
Hi@ryshgs,Thanks for the week 4 questions. I have shared my answers below:1. Email Performance Report2. Cross-campaign engagement tracking.3. True4. False5. To track the number of ...
Hi@ryshgs,Thanks for your suggestion. I will attendMarketo Exam Readiness questionnaire on this weekend. Please share few questions related to engagement program, Workspace and par...
Hi@ryshgs,Thanks for sharing the week3 Questions. I have shared my answer below:Create a smart campaign to trigger off a new record being created from this source and convert the a...
Hi@ryshgs,Thanks for sharing the brief details.This module is very important for us. Request you to please post few more questions related to this module or share more questions to...
Hi@ryshgs,Sorry for late reply.Due to some health issue, I have missed the week 1. I have attached my answer below:Week 1Asset Audit TrailWeb DesignerTruePlease explain it more.Cre...
Hi Ryan,Hope you are doing Well!!I am Ujjawal from India. Currently, i am working with RightWave and4 years of experience in Marketo .I'm exciting to meet you and learn many thing ...