I am getting "500 MB exceeded" error while trying to create a bulk export lead job. Where can I see what is using up the usage quotas?
I looked at the docs, and there is a sentenc...
That worked!Is there any way to show this as a column in the "People" section (Because there are too many members to check each one manually). I tried "Original List Source" and "S...
Thank you, I was able to find identifiers in the activities' "Detail" section. As a follow up question, is there any way to query these details in a smart list? So that I can filte...
We have a lot of leads on our database that are not active or not assigned to any mailing list. Our company has multiple brands under it and we would like to know what brand these ...
Okay, great. Thank you so much and sorry for the misdiagnosis!!
But now I have another problem. How do I update the duplicate record that doesn't get updated by the list import?
The "Notes" fields are empty.
I think I know what is happening. I know that the leads dataset in Marketo has some emails that have multiple entries (duplicated). So when I import...
I am new to Marketo but I am as sure as I can be. Since I also tried exporting the duplicates and the original and both of the emails are the same i.e. no white spaces, etc..
I imported a CSV with a single lead having two columns: Email and Company. I correctly mapped to the right email fields. But instead of updating the company name, it created a new ...
I have a column with categorical data. Eg: The entries are like so "1-10" or "11-20". But while filtering it through a smart list, the suggestion box in the "Multiple Values Choose...