Hieveryone,Hope you can help us figure this out--does the Known Visitor functionality work on forms if the person never filled out a Marketo form, but exists in the database?This i...
Yes, other than a smart campaign (trigger or batch---thanks for the heads up on the triggered one), or an Engagement Program. The client needs to send an X series of emails based o...
Hi everyone, Wonder if there is any other way you can create an automated process of sending a series of emails, other than Engagement Program and Smart Campaigns, as described abo...
Hi Community,Wonder if any of you encounter a higher bounce (both hard and soft) this month, such as double (5-6%) than in the previous months (2-3%)?A couple of the bounce details...
Hi Gerard, Thanks for looking into this. I meant to say- IF Form field "Country" does not have the value "Canada", show personalized Opt in field for Business A or for Business B, ...
It makes perfect sense to look at the technical goal only!Can you please look into this Marketo Documentation on JS API and say which of the Methods would apply here?Thank you for ...
Hi Marketo Community, Any idea how to make the form functionality "If Known visitor, show Custom URL" GDPR-compliant on Marketo forms embedded on WordPress?More specifically, is th...
I have a question on the consent to process field that needs to be added to the form(s). Does the consent need to be a checkbox? Is it mandatory to be a Boolean?Would a Select type...