Initially it was all set up to store Config data using Script Tokens, but the API to manage that is gone so we switched over to Text Tokens. The config data is populated using the ...
I just tested something and I forgot to mention something important.
#set($clinics = {})#set( $clinics.Map = {...}
That is actually being pulled in from a text token. If i put th...
I have no idea, and no way to tell. I just know all the IF statements and the code i used to even save a variable from the TEXT token doesn't work, and it works just fine if it's a...
It feels like since the switch to a TEXT token, like marketo isn't full recognizing this as an OBJECT and that, as soon as I try to assign a key into a variable or do an IF stateme...
I don't understand what is going on, since switching from the SCRIPT token to store my hash, to storing it in a TEXT token (because we can no longer update SCRIPT with API) none of...
No change:
$lead.clinicId has a value of 123456 (Based on data in field and what i print on the page)
Result clincID is null
$lead.clinicId has no value in the marketo field(...
If$lead.ClinicID ) does not have a value in marketo, I want to print an alternative instead, I have tried to check if it's null, true/ false, or an empty string, but none of them a...