At the moment we download our list in the format tab delimited. Afterwards we import that list into excel and have to change the format of the column with phonenumbers from number ...
I know this sounds bizzare, but this is what is happening right know. I can show it to you if you don't believe.
As I have actually no knowledge of Java Script yo...
While testing I observated following issue:
When I create a new template and test an CTA with the token it works. After I finished creating the mail the CTA does ...
I know that it should not change how it works and I checked if the necessary bos is checked. It is checked.
I don't know why, but sometimes the script works and sometimes not. I c...
Hello all,
at this weekend I created that token for a tracking link. After creating it everything worked fine, but after changing the name of the token it doesn't work anymore.
#set( $a = ${lead.creditAdvisorPhone})
#if("$a" == "")
#set($b = "0800 000 XX XX")
thank you in advance, as wished I highlighted the code.
Hello all, I fell like I am getting crazy. I want to create a solution in wich if there is a phone number of a credit advisor than display it, if it is empty display the default nu...