Does anyone have used Executable campaign with smart list filter too? I have use case to use executable campaign with smart list. But somehow that is not working due to smart ...
Yup! please refer below image
Also, I see the given example for your URL is not converting + sign in %20 but when we use the velocity token it does. it look like you are not using...
thanks for the details but I am still facing the same issue. In email editorpreview the correct value is displayed but as soon as I open the link from my inbox it is not working.
Refer below screenshot you can see in the preview at the bottom the URL is displaying correct value but when email is delivered it is not working as expected in preview section.
I did the html changes and usedclass="mktNoTrack"but the link is still not correct it is displaying as samehttps://www.google.com/set(%20$UTM%20=%20$%7Blead.encr...
Business requirement is to add specific URL in the email assets including UTM parameter field. However, there are two different velocity script created in which one of them need to...