Business use case is to access Marketo campaign name from velocity script? I don't see them on the right hand side panel. is there any quick workaround to access hidden Marketo cam...
I found very weird it is working for one workspace and tracking immediately but for other workspace it is not working.
Here is sample URL example
I have not added lead reference in the shared VTL code which I already shared in my previous comment.I am trying to capture either user visit or click link on email. But, as I alre...
I have not added the URL in that fashion below is the sample.
And when I click the link the mkt_tok details are l...
Marketo allows for 31 days bulk activity data export in one time. But not sure if it is limited to 90 days only or it can be fetched more longer than 90 days. Business need to fetc...
This is because, we used VTL token directly in email template as below format
<a href="{{my.VTL}}" style="text-decoration: none; ">Click</a>
In CO, there ar...