Greg is right, unfortunately it will go the following month if the last day is a Saturday or Sunday. If you put up the idea as Greg suggested, let us know, I'll vote it up. Hope my...
Oh I agree Gregg, Eitan Rapps avoid using triggers, I should have paid more attention before quickly creating a preview example. Definitely batch it(ideal, but you don't have to ei...
Last day of the month already exist in the stream cadence, have it run early (reasons for this mentioned below)Use a smart campaign when sending and add a "Wait Step" to wait 1 hou...
I actually think it is optimal performance wise as you are making the program execute when it needs to, not all the time, when they may be part of the engagement stream already. Al...
Agree with Grace, check the field settings if you are blocking it from updates.Top right corner click Admin > Field Management > Search for "Unsubscribe" or if you have a different...
Engagement Stream AEngagement Stream BIt may be easier if you just create three separate trigger smart campaigns.Smart Campaign 1: If form is filled out AND field is A AND not a me...
Hmmm, I would have updated the template when the program isn't running to update the current asset. Or broken the email from the template(small edit in the html) and updated the HT...
This is from my personal experience. I like list import as its faster to make mass updates and doesn't queue up my campaigns and cause a bottleneck. The setback with this that I've...
If you insert the email asset into the stream already, they can't get the same email asset again as the stream is setup in that way.What I do for multiple reasons is use smart camp...