If I am understanding your question correctly, both the landing page and the thank you page will be hosted in Marketo and you are going to use some ajax to call your php page from ...
Try adding return false; after the form.showErrorMessage() and see if that helps.form.showErrorMessage("Your password confirmation does not match your password.", platformPasswordC...
Option 1 - Use Rich Text and empty out the Field Label -https://community.marketo.com/MarketoArticle?id=kA050000000LH1iCAGOption 2 - Put html into the field labelOption 3 - Modify ...
I am assuming this is the same Marketo subscription. If this is the case, it shouldn't take that much time for the activity to appear in the lead's activity history.If you are tryi...
Create a <div> tag with a unique ID in the html editor of the Known Lead Message. You can check whether the id of the tag exists and then set document.location.href to the follow u...
Yes there are other ways but I need to understand your use case lilttle better. Are you querying this data on a lead by lead basis? Or are you doing a nightly background job to do ...
No you cannot change that since you are sending "sample". You can use a batch campaign or email program to send out the email. However, theses activities will be tracked in the lea...