Hi,How does Marketo do their blog emails? I'm subscribed and I get these nice (much much nicer emails than Feedburner sends) emails when new blogs are published with the full post....
Mmmm I don't like using inferred state because someone could be traveling, etc and that would be listed in their lead record.I'd use the actual state field, I know this won't be po...
In that case, I would probably make different forms and landing pages. That's the simplest way to go about this without coding, etc. Just organize well in MKTO and it'll be fine!!
So would they have the same picklist values for each partner or do the all need to be custom? If they are the same list, you can use the same form in the different landing pages. T...
Yep, it's what Erica said. The winner of the tests is sent later (size dependant on the % you picked). If you are just looking for A/B testing and no winning email to be sent, I'd ...