I have already selected that one but not sure why it is evaluating only default output this is the worry part and I am not starting macro unless I am sure that I can get output ind...
Hi San,
Before creating macro, I want to fetch the data for each field correctly. So, I am not able to findchecked off condition for the script. Can you please suggest more in this...
I have imported a list of records to custom objects which contains data based on user visits in the website. By using this list trying to create email in Marketo. From CO list, sel...
Wish you best of luck, Happy to see you inMOPsCON 2020!!!😊
is the registration link are open now?
I will love to join and read advanced content management method when you publishe...
Thanks San! but, it seems to be someone has to be more expertise in VTL. Kindly, share any reference link to understand in depth with similar scenario.
Suggested method to use two velocity variable one in template level that will help to control the output but my purpose is to allow edit the variable value in email level as it off...
I have defined a variable within the email template and want to use that variable in velocity script. So, I am not sure about that email variable can be used in velocity or not?
I have found your articlehttps://blog.teknkl.com/multiple-marketo-tracked-links-in-velocity/but I can see you are not using https:// in VTL token but do you have written any additi...