Our Marketo instance is synced with SFDC and I am developing our events strategy. This includes syncing our Marketo programs with SFDC campaigns. I have everything connected, but I...
Hi Cheryl, has this change been updated? I see that I can still schedule my event from the program panel, but I don't see how I can do it from the calendar. Any update would be hel...
We host invite-only events relatively often and are trying to figure out the best way to handle the RSVPs. Occasionally we register for our clients instead of them doing it themsel...
This would be extremely helpful! We send the same email across the board, but would like it to be delivered at different times based on their time zone. Right now, we have to run s...
We are using Wistia and Marketo, namely to host our webinar recordings and track people who watch the webinar on-demand. We have forms on our videos and are trying to track people ...
I am trying to pull a variety of reports for specific programs. There are a lot of programs that I need to select, so it's difficult to do so when I have to do it manually. I'm won...
Is there a Marketo Idea for this? I'd love to up vote!As well as a "seed list" that receives every email as it is scheduled to go out (even if they aren't filtered into the list). ...
This question is two-fold. First, I am going through and refining our program channels, but I'm a little stuck trying to figure out the definitions of the standard values. What is ...