Got it - thanks for the help! I will look at these options and figure out what's the best way to handle so that it doesn't overwrite, AND doesn't de-synchronize with SFDC.
I am adding "lead source" and "lead source detail" as hidden fields on a few of our key web forms (contact us, request a demo, etc.) but I'm a bit concerned about the field behavio...
I'm looking into this as well and the steps outlined above are EXTREMELY helpful, so thank you. I am also looking into the "see you tomorrow" issue, and will let you know if I come...
Is there a way to set up a report to show my team how we are tracking on our goals? For example, if we want to get XX new leads every quarter, drive $XX in opportunities and increa...
I am trying to delete a report I created, however I am unable to do so and keep getting a system error that says "failed deleting a report with message: referenced by :" and then i...
I have a folder with a lot of Smart Campaigns (20+) that were one-time runs to normalize some legacy data we had. Now, I can't delete that folder because "the folder is not empty"....
We have this same issue. Basically, we want to have the people in our system so that we can attribute them to our Marketing efforts (with Acquisition Program, Lead Source and Lead ...