Hello, related to Case01785541, we here at Dropbox have been experiencing occasional intermittent delays with list uploads and campaign sends. Unfortunately, we are not alerted to ...
Hello - our Marketing team has reported, on two separate occasions, of issues where they saw that email campaigns were not sending/going out, and list imports are either stalling o...
Thanks for responding. Here is the detail:
Can you specify the purpose of the deletions on the Marketo side?
Both for being over contract by several million reco...
Hello - our team/company is curious if anyone has feedback from use cases from your companies who have gone through a major mass deletion of data/purge project with Marketo in the ...
Hello - we are looking to use an unsub link for a specific email campaign, so that when a user clicks Unsubscribe from an email in a campaign, they are only unsubscribing from that...