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‎03-11-2020 06:12 PM
Level 3
Joined the community 17-09-2018
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  • Hi Denise,Thanks for the information. Let me make sure I understand. The orange only cleans up people 10 days after any email campaign is sent? Green cleans up anything that has oc...
  • Hi Chris,Does the "email bounces" trigger have both soft and hard bounces? I'm actually not sure why there is a 90 day wait time. I'll need to keep digging for that answer.
  • Hello,I've inherited my Marketo instance and am fairly new to the platform but would like to understand if this trigger is setup correctly. I setup an email send and it showed that...

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Date Registered ‎09-17-2018 08:36 AM
Date Last Visited ‎03-11-2020 06:12 PM
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