Hi Stijn,Thanks a lot for the details, it gives me a lot of ideas. I fully concur with you rule "use the mktEditable class on the lowest possible level". It reduces significantly t...
Usually, it you want to keep you marketing instance organized, one of the consequences is that MSI emails or smart campaigns are buried deeply in the folder tree, making them very ...
Hi John,If the choice of the follow-up is based on a value entered in the form, you also can use dynamic follow-up, available in forms 2.0.Hope this helps,Greg
You may be able to ask support to become a Beta user of the custom object. Once activated, you can see them in the lead detail screen, as a separate tab. But you will ne be able to...
Hi again Tomoe,As the segmentation is based on past behavior and you cannot use lead history to compute segments, I understand why you want to use lists. As Josh said, I personally...
Repeatable sections would make the creation of newsletter type emails much easier, as you never know how many sections you will need.To complement the idea, it would be great to tr...