While we try to figure out what the problem is I did apply a trigger campaign that on a person creation to set the score to 0 like you suggested. But now I see that trigger campaig...
To start with a score value would that mean a rep assigned a score and then the person got synced in Marketo? Any other way a score could get applied? Is there a way to set up scor...
Thank you for your time, I'll attach a few screen shots with a view of the full Activity log and Campaign Name column.
For some background, I have done a Marketing Activities-Campa...
Thank you for replying. I have many examples where once the scoring began I can see the change score starting from a number other than zero in a person activity log. In this image ...
I have created and turned on our lead scoring program. Our current MQL score is 60 so basic behavior and demographic scoring campaigns are from 1-60 points. I notice persons starti...