You will need to speak with your SFDC Admin. I'm not sure it's possible to merge SFDC campaigns.More likely you can will need to add all the members from the old program to your ne...
You will have by now been asked to create some custom fields to accommodate Marketo and SFDC working together. If you want certain data captured that is not native once connected t...
This looks like it should work as is, I tested it and works, then i removed the block part from display and that works too.Try removing the '-block' part from your Display.If under...
This link won't work if tested in preview mode.Needs to be done with a live lead that exists in Marketo. If the lead exist in SFDC too, then the other part of the link will populat...
Its a few custom fields and smart campaigns to stamp each lead/contact as they are added to a campaign.Think Last Interesting Moments, it continues to be overwritten as they are ad...
It should be this token if your given sales a link to view lead/contact.{{SP_Send_Alert_Info:default=edit me}}This will populate with the links your sales team need for visiblity