How do you have your CRM set up for new new leads?Do they go into queues or automatically assigned to a sales rep?If your CRM is set up to assign to a rep, then using your above fl...
One way we use snippets for our footers for emails on our international offices. Each footer has brick and morter address and policies links for that country. Snippets help with th...
I'm sure some on has solved this but I can't find anything of weight in our community.I thought I was close with this older discussion but I can't get it to work.I'm trying to have...
Its per one account/company and you can extract to a sheet.Sound like you dont have RCA.Depending on how your business is set up (Every Contact is associated to a role in an Op and...
Do you haveOpportunity Influence Analyser as part of your instance?Its a great visual view on One accountHere you can select an Account and then select any oprotuinites tied to tha...
Are you trying to export them out from Marketo and preseve characters?If you export as a CSV you won't be able to preserve the characters. If you select Tab Delimited, this will pr...
Adding to this older discussion, I too was running into issues around this. But I now think Marketo has added the Acquisition date automatically when the Acquisition program is set...