Pacifico, could you create a Trigger for visits web page for the case study page and a Filter for visited experience page? The Flow step would be "Change Score."
1. I think it would change for all of them but I'm not sure.2. If the same email address is included in one Smart Campaign email send, the email will only be delivered to that emai...
Gunjan, most are coming from either Facebook ( or Google Ads ( I'm just wondering what's causing the numbers to populate in that field.
Alex, you can also view a report on how many leads clicked on individual links in your emails: Email Link Performance Report.The best way to go about what you want to do is what Va...
Jessica is spot on with GIFs. Videos, however, are a bit more tricky: It's possible to embedvideoin email with HTML 5, the problem is that 20-30% of email clients may have issues r...