Hi Denise,You are awesome. Thank you. I have one more question. How do I create a tentative smart campaign instead of creating a tentative email program?
We use regular smart campaigns to send our emails rather than the email programs. The tentative dates on our calendar are wrong. The smart campaigns are showing up on a day as tent...
I have the same issue. I have all of these random "Tentative" smart campaigns for programs that even show up way before the program housing the smart campaign was created. How is t...
A token will not work for the functionality we need. A snippet can only accomplish it. Do people typically create many snippets as we would create one for each email?
Hi Josh,We originally wanted to create one footer snippet to be used in all of our emails but it sounds like we will just have to create that snippet each time we create an email c...
Is there anyway around losing the capability to add URL parameters to links within snippets? Snippets are great and all but I seem to lose the ability to do this? We add URL parame...
Hi Jamie,The link you provided is a dead link. I searched for system token on the community and they only list off:
We have a custom email templates in Design Studio and I am wondering if it is possible to add tokens in the code? For example, in most of our email templates we have a "Email a Sal...
I am currenlty struggling with the proper way to handle this. We need to add the non-Marketo related marketing efforts to the calendar. If anyone could provide insight into the bel...