Hi Akanksha Kapil, There's a few issues here: 1) A person cannot move backwards in the program status progression unless you remove them from the program (which causes data loss) ...
Hey Karenna Glover,A few thoughts/ideas here:1) As Dan suggested, create a Marketo field to capture the data and add to the form you are using to gate the recording.If you go this...
Hey Alexandra Lane, Regarding the design studio part - I am actually a bit surprised this doesn't work, as with default programs you can send an email that lives in design studio ...
Hey Alexandra Lane, I think the behavior you are seeing makes sense, because the actual program that is sending the email is the child program that houses the email. That child pr...
David GaibleThis is a really interesting use case. My initial take is that you don't really want a lead scoring model for the community in itself; rather it sounds like you are ta...
Simon LessardHow about a contact type segmentation? E.g., Prospect / Customer / Partner / PR-InfluencerYou could overlay this in reporting on top of your existing scoring models t...
Hey Alicia Bruckman, This doc gives the list: Understand How Marketo Archives Inactive Anonymous Leads Change scoreChange data value – except changes to the Lead Owner and the Com...
Hi Tylee Suarez,Account fields are not writeable from Marketo. To get around this, you can update a proxy field on the contact and use a Process Builder or Apex in Salesforce to u...