Hi Emilia Chioncel,If you are setting the acquisition program at import using the option in the import flow and it isn't getting populated I would open a support case. You do need ...
Naor ChazanThis is one of those things that every company does a little bit differently. My personal views are: 1) Sales created leads should go directly to SAL (or equivalent sta...
Leslie GreenTo further Dory's comment, think of tags as additional dimensions in your program reports. When you report on your programs, what are the higher level buckets that you...
Hi Emilia Chioncel, 1. Are you setting the acquisition program during the list import? You are correct that the date should be stamped automatically when the program value is set,...
Hi Ruskin DantraI don't think this is achievable - if you are setting the form URL dynamically, that needs to happen based on the form inputs itself or based on something calculat...
Hey Nate Oosterhouse, If I understand you correctly, there are two smart campaigns (Campaign 1 and Campaign 2) that are being requested in sequence from a third campaign and you a...
Hey Phillip Wild, The primary field when creating the custom activity is the "thing" that the activity relates to - the concept is clearer when you consider some standard activiti...
Elizabeth BoninThat sounds good. Your goal of having the trigger fire only when the NPS survey type is vendor would be accomplished using the trigger constraint making the filter u...
Elizabeth BoninSeems like your developers did some work to map the custom object to lead/contact fields in SFDC. So that means you can use a Data Value Change which is useful.I wou...
Elizabeth BoninYes, Data Value Changes trigger will only work for person (lead/contact) or account fields synched from SFDC. If the data is in a custom object then this field will...