In addition to Greg's points, I would add a note of caution when considering using a separate product table and a junction object (i.e., many-to-many structure). Velocity cannot ac...
Sean KennedyIt's an interesting question. There are five main approaches here that I am aware of. I've worked with them all with various clients, and they each have their pros and...
Hey Phillip Wild Many-to-many custom objects in Marketo are elegant in theory but of limited use in practice, because the second level CO is not accessible via velocity (the offici...
Sanford WhitemanThinking about storing cookie consent in DB some more, it would seem you need to post this to Marketo as soon as it's set via banner/pref centre or upon form submi...
Sanford WhitemanIt's a little more complex than that, becauseif you're using a "trust center" the implication is you'll honor their preference whenever you know who they are; howe...
The official Velocity documentation provides the basics (this is likely what you've found already): Apache Velocity Engine - User GuideThere's nothing simpler out there that I've s...
Todd BelebczukWhy not just a filter on all your entry smart campaigns triggered by the form fill out that says "Member of Engagement Program: False, Is Any" The first time they pa...