Megan DonnellyYep, that's right. To be the acquisition program, the leads need to be a member of the program. It will default to the first status. You can run a flow to change it ...
Selene ReganYou couldn't do this for every fill out but you COULD do it for the first form fill out at least. 1) Create a Marketo field called "First Form" and stamp it using a {{...
Caitlin McCormickSyncing a program with a Salesforce campaign will automatically create leads in Salesforce that are given a status in that program, if they do not exist already.I...
Hey Hank Hansen, I haven't worked with the Sugar connector so not sure if it supports custom objects. I think a Marketo Custom Object would be your best bet in that scenario. The ...
Chantelle Juffs that's a pity, but good to have that confirmed from support!I suspect it'll be difficult to work around that since those relative calculations can be difficult. Th...
Yes to second Kristen Malkovich, if you are using a normal smart campaign to drip out these emails do NOT try to re-arrange or remove flow steps if leads are already in the flow. ...
Hey Hank Hansen,Yes, this is exactly the type of use case that Custom Objects in Marketo are designed for -- basically any kind of child record that is tied to the person or compa...
Melinda Lehman, that's pretty weird. If your membership is dropping it would seem to be because either those leads were deleted from Marketo (but not from Salesforce) or some lead...
Hey Colby Dix,I agree with you that the new editor is imperfect. I also totally understand the frustration.I think you will get more mileage if you collaborate with Product Managem...
I've had great success using Vidyard. Here's a Launchpoint webinar I did about that: More Clicks, More Customers: Drive ROI with Video and Marketing Automation – You co...