Hi Sanford,We've just thought of another potential solution. If we host the landing page on an external page, i think we can secure the client key as well get all of our functional...
Following up fromIP Spoofing.Here is the scenario:1. We have a Marketo landing page with a Marketo form.2. API calls are made to an external server to pre fill the form using an ap...
Do you propose the below will work?On the marketo landing page,1. API Call 1 - Get user info based on user email from the external system - Returns an "access token" along with the...
This then defeats what i'm trying to achieve.Is there anyway I can store the API key and secret in marketo and access it securely when I make the AJAX API Calls?
Yup. I have set up the webhook and the custom header. But I can't figure out how to call the GET webhook from the landing page and use the response on the landing page.