Hi All,I am trying to use a currency value from a custom object as a token in an email and can't seem to figure out the right Velocity Scripting to have it format correctly. I want...
So are you saying that if I have a static list that is updated with Smart Campaigns to add and remove contacts based on a certain criteria, the Continuous Audience Sync with do the...
Additional question here. If I use a default program inside an engagement, using Smart Campaigns to send the emails, will the engagement program allow the contact to get the same e...
I am running into an error when building a email script token. The error states "Script block is too large." Has anyone ever run into this before? Any way to get around it easily? ...
We had a triggered campaign with an incorrect filter criteria that allowed a large group of unsubcribed contacts to receive an email. The subscription status is help within our CRM...
Hi Sanford,I'm fine to review over JoinMe if you have time today at some point. Let me know what time frames work for you. My schedule's wide open today.Thanks.
Hi Sanford,I made the suggested changes in the token and tested in a live email and got the same results. Any other ideas? I'm also not totally sure what you mean by "Also, don't e...