Hi Tom,What I think Josh is trying to say is that it's best practice to have (in your case) 50 programs that govern if someone has downloaded the content piece.This way you can use...
Thanks Mike!Although I know what I'm doing with UTM code, it's still a helpful link for anyone stumbling upon this post.Too bad there's no Program Channel or Tag tokens.
Hi Dan,My assumption; yes.Marketo has a System DateTime Token (System Tokens Glossary - Marketo Docs - Product Docs ) which I assume is automatically updated on DST. It would make ...
Hi Prinu,When an email is sent all the links are encoded with hidden information that Marketo reads and uses when the link is clicked. When the link is clicked the clicker is redir...
Hi Jeffery,Even though I'm not adept at Javascript I do have some experience in embedding forms on non-Marketo pages.When we tried to add the same form ID multiple times on the sam...
Hi Katelyn,When you create a Smart List Theres a filter you can select that's called 'Not Opened Email'.If you set the name to 'is Any' remove the date constraint that should bring...
Hi Jade,What you're trying to do is leverage a Marketing Automation tool for web analytics purposes.Personally I prefer to analyze website behavior with a dedicated web analytics p...
Hi Pradeep,Not being a coder myself I can't fully answer your question. A quick search in the blog posts in the Developers section suggests that this should be possible.Take a look...
Does anyone know if there are tokens that print the value of a program's channel and tags?I'm trying to ease the creation of the UTM codes in our links.Thanks!