You are correct about cookies preserving querystring parameters as someone clicks around your site. In fact if you have multiple forms on your site and they all look at the cookie ...
You should preserve utm values in cookies and read those into hidden form fields first because after the initial page visit a lead may navigate to other pages before they sumit a f...
Also, theWhy do I see the error "INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS_ON_CROSS_REFERENCE_ENTITY" and how can I fix this? Resource lists several possible causes. Another one that I've found is when ...
We have a 'Web Referral' smart campaign for referrals from sources other than the ones I noted in my previous comment. It has a Visited Web Page trigger has a 'Referrer is not empt...
Hey Courtney, I dont use the Original Referrer field value because it is only a text field that can hold 255 characters, the original referrer can be much longer, especially on pai...
When an anonymous leads is crated during a visit to our website, we set values in ithe newly created record's 'Initial Online Source' field and other fields that tell us the source...
At the bottom of the Leads tab is a Facebook icon and its hover text is 'Push to Facebook'. When I click the Facebook button, a 'You must add Facebook in Admin > Launchpoint' is di...
Dominique, I just came across your discussion and you can get a list of leads with web page visits in an hour by using a Visited Web Page filter with an 'Date of Activity: in past ...
The new the 'in past before' date operator is a great addition to the date field filters. Please add the 'in past before' date operator to the Lead History filters with Date of Act...