I've resigned myself to using the Force.com Connector in Excel and manipulating the errant TLDs there, but I'm definitely interested in a webhook I can call whenever an email addre...
We have a significant number of email addresses submitted via our non-Marketo forms that have typos in the domain field. For example, instead of .com, they have the following.CONCI...
Below are the help articles mentioned in this thread with updated links in the new Community and Product Docs areas.How Marketo Tracks Email Activity Email Bounce Codes Soft and H...
Created At is the date the initial lead record is created in Marketo, which includes anonymous lead records without email addresses, so you might want to use a different Group By f...
Sanford Whiteman, if you can help with arranging for someone to video the presentation, we can post it in the Community where it will be available to all members. Marketo requests ...
The Smart List Status in the smart campaign Schedule tab will show the count of the leads the email will be sent. However, in the example below, the smart campaign's smart list was...
The Not Had Interesting Moment uses 'not contains' as the operator, which translates to don't select any leads that had an Interesting Moment whose Type is email and the Descriptio...
I think it is because the Dashboard shows the number of leads that clicked one or more links in an email, while your link performance report is counting the clicks on different lin...