David Cutter, use an underscore between the first and last name when you @mention someone and they will get a notification in their Community Inbox. So it would look like @Cheryl_C...
We have a segmentation for communications preferences and have segments for each of our 3 preference options and segments for each possible combination of those segments. If there ...
Ed Masson I am following you and just sent you a message - if you don't receive it or still can't message me, it could be bug that you should let Liz/Scott know about. I wonder if ...
I'm all in favor of that! Can we also change it the when an incorrect reply is marked as 'correct answer' - especially when there is a better reply that should be marked as the 'co...
In the Will I get an email confirmation when I am accepted to join a MUG? discussion reply by Liz Courter, she indicated that there was no confirmation sent when a request to join ...
In your list view, you can add a column for Email Invalid next to the email address. Unfortunately the Email Invalid field is not changed to 'true' unless a category 2 email bounce...
We have hundreds of leads in Marketo whose email addresses are not valid and their Email field actually has a squiggly red line under the Email field value and hover text that expl...