Hi Karina,Unless you have vastly different lead process or product offerings between countries I would set up one global lead scoring model.Once you have it setup, you than look at...
you need to edit the unsubscribe not in the email but in the unsubscribe area. Details to update the Unsubscribe HTML message at link belowEdit the Unsubscribe Message - Marketo Do...
You've got this posted 5 times. If you can delete the other threads, and move this to Products I am sure someone can help diagnose this. Marketing Discussions isn't really the pla...
The Marketing Calendar is a place to start but certainly won't track all emails sent in a day. Notable Trigger Based Emails would never be shown. Marketing Calendar - Marketo Docs ...
I think you just have to build out the campaign with the logic you want. It sounds like you have the connector setup, but just need to build a Smart Campaign. Marketo has Webinar C...
It would be helpful to understand a little about the industry. Are you recycling in the same programs? I would suggest that I would market to a past customer and someone who didn't...
Have you tried a tool like EmailonAcid? Depending on how you build them out, different email clients and a variety of other factors will affect how an email is presented.
Hi Jamie, have you thought about using a Consultant to help you with the project? Our team at Salytics is a Gold Digital Services Partner of Marketo and we have 7 Marketo Certified...
Hi Nicole, I work with a development team that has worked with a number of Marketo clients to build email templates. I'd be happy to chat with you about them. Are you looking for d...
"Notice how they are all uniquely named. You can have duplicate (simpler) names of folders INSIDE programs, but not at the root of the tree."Best Practice: How to Organize your Pro...