If you move your question to Products page you might find more help. The Marketing Section is for more general Marketing Questions and a lot of the development geniuses don't alwa...
What are you using the Hero Images for? Typically I would have a corresponding Landing Page built and track the number of people going to the landing page to understand how well th...
I always find starting off with an example is the most relevant way to explain it. Personally, I have spent time working in a Car Dealership setting so I usually go with a car deal...
Hi Jonathan, assuming there isn't a piece that we are missing for some custom needs of yours that you haven't mentioned, I have sat with members of our team here (multiple Marketo ...
That doesn't sound like any best practice I have ever heard, but there are always different reasons people come up with unique approaches. I am assuming they are a LaunchPoint Part...
Hey Michelle, At Salytics, we are Gold Digital Services Partner of Marketo as well as a Partners with other platforms, I'd be happy to have a call to better understand your needs a...
Hi Emma, when switching from Salesforce to a new Salesforce instance, you cannot do anything but get a new Marketo Instance. I am 99% sure that this is the case for going from a Dy...
Hi Amy, I am super interested in what your use case is for this? My initial thoughts are, why don't you just use Tokens to display this information on the Landing Page and declutte...