Hi @GauravChauhan Another issue to consider if you are using any kind of Opt-In or preference centre based on consent, is the consent the leads.If through Market they can have expl...
Hi @RechoYes, it takes a few days to sync fully, especially the People Match !Be patient. It also depends on your CRM and campaign queues.Glad to hear you have got up and running. ...
Hi @RechoI used the Instance URL: https://app-ab13.marketo.com this is based on the data centre for your instance is located ( Mine is Ashburn AB13).Then use your Munchkin ID.If yo...
@lillyfalconregarding your question about duplicate lead management.Do you have some specific details about the field name Updated date/time seems to be the same.Which custom objec...
Compliance and Consent - areas to checkIf you are working in a Country or region that has privacy policies and requires explicit consent to receive communications such as UK, Canad...
If you have just inherited an instance, one of the first things to consider is who else is there.What are people's roles? Do they have all the access they need or more than they ne...
@lillyfalcon, another tip would be to break this down and look at 3 or 5 years at a time rather than tacking ten years of assets at once. Or focus on a specific segmentation - regi...
Hi @lillyfalcon, welcome to the Coffee Break and thanks for your questions, regarding your question on archiving best practices. Generally, we agree that deletion manually is best ...