Have you considered building an email template with multiple different modules, and then just swapping modules between test version A and version B?You can download the BP-ES YYYY-...
Yes, we currently don't have the option to remove members of a campaign.However, you can avoid the issue by creating yourself a clone of the campaign just for testing, and then act...
Hi Michelle:Unfortunately, I can't point you to a specific document - I just spoke with consultants and users about this.One of the issues in Australia that I was told about was th...
We should include best practices for privacy laws in other countries as well. Europe in general, and Germany in partucular are very strict in this regard; so is Australia...
Hi Cate:If your template has a separate editable area in the footer, and you have a segment for Canada, you can use dynamic content to swap the footer for your Canadian leads.
I love the idea, but I don't think it would be as simple as it may seem.If you switch to a template that does not have the same editable regions (e.g. less of them, or with differe...