Thanks for your response. Yes, that is correct. I disabled it because the submission stops working with it enabled.I have reenabled it (please see below).
Here's a page with everyt...
Hi Sanford.
Thanks for your quick response.
The form does not haveKnown Visitor HTML enabled.Here is a link to the page,
We have an existing form that has been running for some time. We would like the lead and a subset of the information to be captured in Marketo as well. So, we set up a background o...
Thank you so much for providing the details. This makes perfect sense. We actually have a few other fields we use as filters too, we can handle them all this way. We w...
Thank you for taking the time to respond to my post! Much appreciated.
Your option number 1 certainly has merit and in the end, this may be what we have to do. But I w...
We have a custom sync rule set up to keep various leads and contacts from entering Marketo from Salesforce. This has been working well for us but have run into an issue.
Regarding Finding#2 above, you stated, "In another post, we will detail a workaround on how to handle that, but it will take some advanced SFDC skills". I have...
Thank you for taking the time to provide this (your check's in the mail 😉). I am pretty sure I would not have figured this out on my own, at least not by my deadline. Very gratefu...
Here is the raw output,2021-03-18T10:30:00.000-05:00, which formats toMarch 18, 2021 10:30 AM.
And here is a view of the person in Marketo with the two hour time difference.