I don't think it is related to the admin timezone.If timezone is associated with it then we will have a time and timezone value associated with the"Created Date" data.
Usually I get date like "2018-12-18T16:01:11Z"- which means it is in UTC but in this case I am getting data like "2018-12-16" - it seems like Marketo in not considering thetime.My ...
I havefetched the data for new Lead activity where the "Created Date"(in attributes) field has a date value.Is the value specific to any timezone like "Activity Date"which is in UT...
I did not get you, My Question is if I have data for "email send" and "email delivered"(from bulk extract API), how would I map this data between this two activities.Is it the "pri...
I have data for the following activities-Send EmailEmail DeliveredEmail BouncedUnsubscribe EmailOpen EmailClick EmailI want to know what is the common attribute between these activ...
Sanford Whiteman Actually it is not a subset.I want the data as per EST( considering the Daylight Saving).So I tried the following request-API-/bulk/v1/activities/export/create.jso...
Sanford Whiteman Have timezonerelated queries for bulkextract API of activity.You can refer this -https://nation.marketo.com/thread/52253-timezone-for-bulk-export-api-of-activity
I am confused regarding the timezone, when a bulk export API for activity is called.Example-API-/bulk/v1/activities/export/create.jsonJSON -{ "format": "CSV", "filter": { "createdA...