Hi Sanford,
I work with@Laura_Starkieand have looked over this with her.
We do use https:// for nearly all of our sites, including the ICS file downloads.
Hi@Dan_Stevens_and@Grégoire_Miche2 !For New People Created that DO NOT have an associated Acquisition Program, it appears they will correctly show blanks in the AP and AP Date fiel...
Sorry - please ignore this inquiry, I'm unsure of how to delete. I don't precisely know what Marketo had envisioned the use case with this field, but it seems via other threads tha...
Hi@SanfordWhiteman!In line with this thread, I've recently been aiming to rely on 'Original Referrer' for my Lead Source Tracking Program. I have found some situations like you'd i...
Hi Beth,Adding below a thread discussing the same topic, but you may simply do a Change Data Value to the records, via a Smart Campaign or Smart List.Email Invalid Flag & Creat...