Thank you both so much for the responses! I really appreciate the cases and behaviour returned displayed in the table.
We also have duplicate rules in SF that block any duplicate c...
Hi all!
Our database has too many prospect records and we are looking to delete any records that are in SFDC as outbound leads that do not need to be in Marketo.
We are thinking ab...
Hi Alice!
Yes, all correct fields are in the page layout.
They are all custom fields, they were mapped incorrectly so we recently had Marketo support map them to the correct corres...
There are no sync errors, and other fields are updating correctly.There are 0 field validations on these specific fields, the integration user has all the correct field level and r...
Hi all,
We have fields in Marketo mapped to Salesforce.
These fields have pulled data from Salesforce to Marketo (we don't want and have now used the option to "Block data from - S...