Hi -We're trying to test out a connection integration to our Marketo Sandbox instance and we noticed that while creating the custom object we can only make two fields in Sandbox to...
Ahhhh, ok. So if I'm understanding correctly, all of this currently: Munchkin.munchkinFunction('clickLink', {
href: linkId,
utm_source: utm_source,
utm_medium: utm_med...
Can you elaborate on that a bit? From other posts I was reading, I thought it would be possible to do something like this (taken from this post)document.querySelector('#myButtonId'...
Sorry about that. Here's the code that I've been testing://TO SEND TO MARKETO
// Function to read a cookie's value by name
function getCookie(name) {
var nameEQ = name + "=";
I've been working on trying to get UTM cookie values to send to Marketo when someone clicks a link.It's similar to this issue that was posted awhile ago. There are some situations ...